Moving Companies Share 8 Essential Tips For Moving During The Pandemic

Virtually everything in life changed to some degree during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, one thing that did not change is the need for people to move from location to location across the city, around the country, or throughout the world.

Now, as things begin to open up and there is more freedom, planning a move with the restrictions still in place requires a bit of extra consideration. Moving companies in and around Broomfield, CO, may have specific requirements in place, and it will be essential to follow any guidelines provided.

In general, here are eight tips that moving companies provide to their customers for a safe move during the pandemic:

  • Choose virtual quote providers – limiting the number of people in and out of your home is important. Most of the top moving companies provide a virtual moving quote through the video function on your phone. This is helpful to get the best price.
  • Ask questions – the movers should provide information on their website about the precautions they are using to move their customers safely. Review this information and ask questions if anything is unclear
  • Limit contact – have items boxed and ready for the movers at the scheduled moving time. This limits the need for you to be in close proximity with the movers.
  • Let the professionals do the job – there is no need to assist the movers. Trying to help only creates difficulties for the team while also making it challenging to maintain social distancing.
  • Wear a mask – if possible, wearing a mask, even with social distancing, is important for everyone's safety.
  • Wash your hands – hand washing has become a habit for most people. Keep some soap and paper towels at the sink.
  • Disinfect surfaces – before movers arrive, disinfect surfaces such as door handles, counters, or similar areas of the home.
  • Gloves – some movers may wear gloves to handle all boxes and furniture in the home to reduce any risk of contact.

If you are moving into or out of Broomfield, CO, be sure to work closely with the movers and be on time and ready when they arrive.